Support to Ukrainian People
With the CRIJ
language lessons
by the CRIJ
Is there any better way to communicate with foreigners than speak the same language ?
This is why the CRIJ has organized since many years talkink language courses for children and adults for Cachan citizens at any age.
Foreign languages courses by the CRIJ
A new language course since 2022

The CRIJ started a new language course this year : French language as a foreign language, for people whose mother language is not french. This course is named FLE.

Target is to reach A1, A2, B1 european level.
      more details (french only)
Due to the reduced number of foreign language courses attendants in the last years, the CRIJ has suspended the foreign languages courses.

We hope that Cachan residents will in the future show again their interest in such courses, and the CRIJ will of course restart this activity.
Registration from the Associations Forum in september

Registration document (french) 
download hereunder
To welcome foreigners who wish to learn French or improve their level, the CRIJ offers FLE (French as a Foreign Language) courses.
Inquire at our booth at the forum or on the CRIJ website.
Où ?     Where ?                    Quand ?    When ?      
Maison de l'Amitié      94 rue Etienne Dolet  94230 Cachan       
Niveau 1 - mardi 17.00-18.30                 level 1     - tuesday 5 to 6.30pm

Niveau 2  - mardi 18.30-20.00
level 2     - tuesday 6.30-8.00pm
contact :  

Véronique : 06 61 21 45 53  
Hélène :     06 63 02 12 94 

Please contact us for more information !