The CRIJ & Solidarity
the CRIJ supporting Cachan associations
Cachan associations carry out development projects in disadvantaged countries on every continent, with the support of the CRIJ
International Solidarity Projects by associations
Even if many developing countries enjoy high growth rates, in most cases this growth is concentrated in large cities, while in the countryside, the population remains with a terrible lack of public services and equipments.

This is why Cachan associations, supported by the CRIJ, have concentrated their solidarity actions on villages far from large cities.

Their major topics are :

Healthcare :

building and équipment of health centers.
improving population awareness to hygiène practices.
Education :
building and equipement of class rooms in primary and  secondary education, and also courses for iteracy of women, contribution to summer courses, supply of scientific equipments to universities and training for it's usage.

Water supply:
Water supply is often a prerequisite to eradication of endemic diseases and to the developmentde of agricultural activities.
As such water supply, and especially trinkable water is a top priority for concerned populations.

Development :
In countryside areas food crops are essential for the improvement of population feeding, end to involve women most often kept out of any business activity.
Seed supplies and training sessions are important steps of such projects. 
CRIJ's Partners
CRIJ's Partners for International Solidarity projects have been students associations of Cachan colleges, as well as associations founded by migrants now living in Cachan.
one clic on the logo will lead you to further information on each association.


Puya de Raimondi
Solidago (ESTP)

Savoir Donner

SoNo (ENS)
Sénégal & Benin

IUT Cachan



CRIJ's Partners
Chaque année, à l'occasion de la quinzaine de la Solidarité Internationale organisée par la municipalité, le CRIJ se rend dans les écoles primaires de Cachan pour initier les enfants aux actions de Solidarité, en général sur le thème choisi par la municipalité de Cachan.

En 2021 une vidéo sur la production de gaz à partir de déjections animales a été présentée à l'Ecole du Coteau, et nous remercions vivement la direction de l'école pour l'organisation de cet évènement en dépit des contraintes imposées par le virus.

Cette production de gaz est utilisée principalement pour la préparation des repas dans les familles et vise à limiter le déboisement qui est la solution traditionnelle au Burundi.

Vous avez accès à cette Vidéo Youtube ci dessous.